Sunday, June 21, 2009


mcm Dh Lama x update~ehhe sori darling mera blog..i Had been busy lately..hahha as if busy is the most right word to use..huhu btw i shud share my good news aite?i've quit part time job kat KUMON tu after 4x jer attend..nnti-nanti,jgn salah sngka.BUkan quit sebab ak x tahan ker atau anything bad.Just becoz i had received an offer utk contract job kat CYberjayA, sebb tu ak quit KUMON...

Well one cannot be too greedy aite?huhu sebenarnyer x sngka pun dpt Cyberview punyer joB tu..well it had been weeeeeeks since my interview tu..i already considered the job as my history pun..huhu well wut to say, seperti yg ak percay,rezeki tu tuhan yang tentukan.Kita kan hanya mampu usaha..

Maka dengan rasminyer, juMaat 12 juN ari tu,ak pun memulakn lngkah well to be exact men'drive' kn kanciL ku ker Cyberjaya utk sessi registration and all..frankly speaking, i donno and have no clues at all what's the hell i'm getting myself into.Offer yg ak dpt ari tu say about GREAT-Graduate Attachment and Training Programme..Mati-mati ak ingt apa yg ak n jadik is more or so like my internship session.Tapi biler ak dpt offer letter n it mention bout registration kat Kelab Komuniti Tasik Cyberjaya,ak dh pelik..X kanlah report kerja kat Kelab komuniti?

hmm Ruper2nyer lepas ak dh dftar n dibriefingkn oleh program CoordinatOr, MISs IntaN brlah ak tau yg progrm nih mmg lebih kurng cm internship session pun n ak akn stat keja pada 1 jUlY nnti kat RL Dynamic Engineering.Tapi on 15th smpai 30th JUne,i have to attend diorng punye interpersonal skill courses.For 2 weeks ak kena tadah tleinga n participate dlm soft skills training tu..hmm at that time,masa tau tu x tau nk seronok ke tak..huhu tapi tgk sekeliling yg ada dlm 15-16 orng lagi macm ak,hati ak pun stat percaya yg everything will turn out just so very fine only if i wan to..huhu so what the heck?just go for it lah kn..mklumlah ak pun dh pun terima offer job ni kn..

well now,it had been one week after i joined the programme,tetibe rasa tersngtlah beruntung ak but keputusan utk join program is somehow an eye opener + it just what i needed in this mean time.motivation and Support to find My way In this adulthooD..huhu wat ayt 'jargon'...ngeee oh yer lepas nih nk masukkn entry pasal futsal on last wednesday,be bck later..daa

btw,for those yg intersted nk tau more pasl programme yg ak join nih,bley rujuk this website:

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