Sunday, February 28, 2010

When Jealousy strikes~!

"Weh,ak jeles,"


"Tgklah nih.."

Segera B melihat komputer riba A.


"Isyh,dia nih.Statement nih.Tgklah"

A tunjuk lagi pada skrin komputer ribanya.

B mula membaca lagak kanak-kanak yang baru mengenal abjad.

"'hope saya leh jadi kapel cam gnie ngn awk....:D''"

"Nampak tak?" A tak sabar tunggu reaksi B.


"What's that supposed to mean?Is it another notation for 'padanlah muka ak' @ 'u deserve it' @ 'u just being paranoid'?"

"Whoa,chill babe.What's the emotional talks for?Relax.Bagi ak ruang sikit sebelum buat sebarang komentar pasal kes 'karat' kau nih,"

A menjeling sambil menarik nafas panjang.Keluhan kecil keluar juga dari celahan bibirnya.

"I'm the evil green eye-jealousy monster right?Isyh,bencinya.And to make it even worst.he's not even my special.Damn!"

"Ok.Now u really sounds like u are a perfect-little-greenish-jealousy-monster.Provided that u already start cursing which is definitely improper for a lady like you,"

"B,ak serius.."

"Look here,A.U did make a point tadi.He's not even your special.So you definitely have no right to feel jealous at the first place,"


"Hold it there girl.I'm, not yet finish."B menarik nafas sambil tersenyum.

A mula mencuka.

"Though he's not your special,but you always like him since the day you met him years ago.But then,he always joke around about his interest towards you.Which actually can be seen as 'main-main'.But,now and then, you cannot help but fall for him more or less.And now it did irritate you to see other girls give out some kind of 'mesra' comments in his FB,right?"

"What an analysis,B"

B tergelak besar.

"Sorry babe.Your sarcastic comment regarding my 'analysis',i take it as a compliment.Thank you by the way,"B masih ketawa.


"Sorry.So,I'm telling you right now that there's definitely nothing you can do.Or else you can actually just ask him in a casual manner.Like he always do.Try to make it as a joke,maybe?"

A diam.Tak lama kemudian,dia tersenyum lebar.

"I got what u're trying to tell me B,Thanks a lot dearest buddy.I'll definitely ask him.In a casual manner.Use some jokes,"

And B just smile looking at A's gleaming eyes.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Aduyai,susah nyer kalau dah suka kat sesorang.Mungkin nak suka cuma ambil sesaat,tapi nak lupakan perasaan suka tu,mau makan bertahun-tahun lamanya.Adoi..cepatlah perasaan ni berlalu.Semakin ak cuba nak lupakan si dia,semakin kuat pulak ingatan pada dia datg mengasak.Macam dah gila talak rasanya.Syukur,ak dikelilingi mereka-mereka yang sayangkan ak berganda-ganda sebab mereka nih sentiasa jer ada disamping disaat ak sangat memerlukan sokongan mereka.

Adoi,memanglah jiwa rasa nak pecah ngan emosi yang sengal sgt nih,

'hiiisyh,shah ko kan pernah dengar orang kata,kalau kita cintakan seseorang tu,lepaskan dia.Kalau suatu hari nanti dia kembali pada kau,dia sememangnya milikmu dan kalau dia tak kembali, sememangnya dia tak pernah ditakdirkan buatmu.'

And I guess,sebelum 'hari kebebasan' tu datang,i just have to bear and cherish all this pain and heartache sebab dari perasaan sakit n sedih nih lah ak yang lebih baru dan lebih bagus akan wujud~!


“Are you going to let this slip away?” Jenny asked quietly. “She loves you so much. And I know you love her.”

“No. I’m not going to let her go. She can be as cold as she damn well wants. But I’m not letting her go.” He spun around, striding to his car.

“Wait,” Jenny said, jumping up and going after him. “Wait, damn it. Lauren isn’t cold,” Jenny said, blocking Dale’s way when he would have headed for his car.

“She hides behind that. But she isn’t cold. She’s got the biggest heart of anybody I’ve ever known. It’s been stepped on too many times, by the people who were supposed to love her. She doesn’t trust herself any more. Hasn’t trusted herself for years. She’s gotten the worst from people for so long she’s learned to expect it, to think that’s all she deserves.”

He paused, frowning. “I know my wife, Jenny. She’s got a little more belief in herself in than that.”

“No, she doesn’t. Dale, Lauren’s scared to death right now that you’re going to leave her. She hurting inside and she doesn’t know how to show it, or how to tell you.” Her hands rose and fell helplessly as she struggled to describe the Lauren she knew existed.

“She doesn’t fight like you and me. She doesn’t know how. Damn it, every time she ever cared about something, she lost it. She stopped letting it show when something mattered. Stopped pretending anything mattered. All she knows to do is shut down. And the more she hurts, the colder she gets. You’ll feel like you’re fighting a glacier.”

Dale shook his head, not linking the woman Jenny was describing to the one he knew. “I know she loves me. But she doesn’t trust me.”

“Yes, she does. She didn’t tell you because she didn’t trust you. She didn’t tell you because she does trust you, too much. She knew you’d do the right thing and she didn’t want to lock you into something you didn’t want.” Jenny stomped her foot and raised her clenched hands to her temples, shaking with sheer frustration. “She didn’t want a man who was there only because he felt obligated. And she deserves better than that, she and Krista both.”

Was it really that simple?

“She doesn’t love easily, Dale. She doesn’t trust easily. But she loves and trusts you; she was afraid of tying you in a place you didn’t want to be. And later, she was afraid of losing you. Be careful with her, Dale.”

Jenny’s mossy green eyes filled with tears and she pressed her fingers to her mouth, forcing herself to take a deep calming breath.

“She’s on the edge right now, she can’t keep getting rejected by the people she loves. She needs you so much.”

I always feel lIke i'm Lauren~cold as the glacier ey?hmm..
(creditz goes to her best friend lover-s.w)

Monday, February 8, 2010

~Terima Kasih~

~Untuk awak yang pernH sinGgah dlam Kamus Hati sy~

The last three moths definitely had been a roller coaster ride for me.Awak datang secara tiba-tiba macam ribut tornado. Perkenalan kita tak dirancang, tapi memang pasti akan saya kenang selamanya.

Memang kita hanya mampu merancang,tuhan juga yang tentukan.Nampaknya jalan kita ternyata berbeza.Kehndak dan cara kita untuk hubungn nih nyata tak sama.Dan dalam hal ini,saya tak boleh salahkan awak dan sy mintak sgt awak tak salahkan saya.

Wajarnya,walau kehendak dan cara kita berbeza tapi kalau matlamat kita sama,pasti ada jalannya.Tapi ternyata, kita juga tak berkongsi objektif yang sama dalam hubungan yang dah kita bina nih.

Jadi,yang ada buat kita hanyalah perpisahan.Mungkin pada waktu dan saat ini jalan itu adalah yang terbaik walau nyata ia memang pedih bagi sy.

Terima kasih tak tehingga buat awak yang sudi buat 3 bulan mengenali awak,anatara memori termanis dalam kamus jiwa saya.Kehadiran awak tetap akan sy kenang sampai bila-bila.

Walau awak minta lepas ni supaya kita dpt teruskn pula dgn hubngn pershbtn,tapi nyata sy masih tak mampu.Sekurang-kurangnya bukan dalam masa terdekat ni.Perasaan saya pada awak masih kuat terasa.Tak mungkin pershabatan boleh terjalin ikhlas kalau antara kita masih ada yang menyimpan rasa yang lebih dari sayang seorng sahabat.

Saya mendoakan dan berharap semua perkara yang terbaik yang awak inginkan dapat awak kecapi.Terima kasih dan selamat tinggal chintaku~

Marsha-Yang Terbaik

"Sometimes you put walls up not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to break them down"

Sunday, February 7, 2010


i'm staring down at my laptop.keep thinking.

was it me?

was it him?

can it be undone?

i'm Heartbroken.i'm scared.

They said better now before the feeling grows deeper.

Damn it!~

It's too late.I know I had fall deeper in love with him.Because it hurt so damn much now.


Friday, February 5, 2010


Sabar Sherah~

Tolonglah..memang ak tgh berapi giler nih.Is this Love?damn if this what define love,I'll think i'm definitely in a volcano of temper..

Man,he dare asking me why i have to think that way?marah nyer ak..damn it!i even have tears right now just becoz i'm so damn angry with him,I hardly talk.

He went to his friend's birthday on thursday evening.Then he msg me on Friday just to tell me he'll be out with his friend.

I've been sickly worried about him and keep thinking about every single reason that probably happen that keep him from texting me.Keep thinking that maybe i've said something wrong because he didn't msg me at all.He also didn't pick up the call.

I msg him this morning,he didn't reply.Then I tried calling his hp again.and he didn't answer it again. and suddenly he msg me that he's washing his ride and he feel sleepy.

like hell!when i received that sms, i even shiver because i'm afraid that it is not him who msg me.I'm stupidly cry just because i'm happy that he's alright but at he same time so damn angry becoz he left me wondering about his whereabout.

then i text him and let him know that i've been sickly worried about his whereabout.And he replied by saying that what an imaginative mind i have there and telling me that he's been busy last night with his friend.

that damn message make me almost want to throw my phone to the wall.i hardly describe what i feel that time.if he is in front of me, i might could have slap him on the face.damn it he don't even feel guilty for leaving me questioning his whereabout,for leaving me assuming that i have done something wrong,leaving me and my msg and calls unanswered.

Tell me is this the way u love somebody?

I try so hard not to be a very super busy body girlfriend that will msg his bf every half and hour.I understand that he want his private quality time with his boys or perhaps girls friend.I want all that too.Funny that when we're just started, the msg is like raining cats and dogs.tak berhenti-henti.after 3 months(br 3 bulan kot~) things started to change.

Damn it.I'm not asking for 300 msg/day.At least please lah.Before you going to bed.Before you go to work.and if possibly after you finished working.And the msg doesn't have to be 300 word long.Just a simple short and if possible sweet msg would be enough for me.But what happen somehow make me feel used.When he's free he msg through and through.But when he's busy he just forget about me.

damn couplehood!

What i feel when i read his msg:
1) I feel like I don't have the rights to ask @ bother him when he's with his friend.
2) I feel like I've been used as he will come to me when he's free and available and leave when he have his time fully utilized.

better get married fast lah..anyone?hahhah~

Thursday, February 4, 2010

RezekI bumI aLLah~

Memang ak Risau~kalu mama n abah risau,ak lagik berganda risau~

adoi mana pi kerja???!!

ak sedaya Cubalah nk stay Positif!hmm,ak percaya rezeki tu kat tgn allaH.ak berusaha.Sungguh ak dah hantar resume semua mana yang mampu.

Aku betul-betul tolak @x pernah cuba untuk jadi lecturer sebab ak memang x minat.Aku tak mahu mengajar.Tapi kata mama,'Kamu memilih sangat'.Adus,senangnya meletakkan penilaian.Hanya kerana ak tak mahu sesuatu yang mereka mahukan,maka ak dikatakan 'MemIlih'.

Tapi salahkah memilih?It just that life offer so many chances and i'm Totally done with doing things thaty the situation put me up to.Ak x mahu lagi buat perkara yang ak tak ada jiwa.Sudah-sudahlah 23 tahun ak hidup, ak mengikut keadaan dan situasi.

Ak nak mencipta keadaan dan situasi yang ak sendiri mahukan.BIar kalau susah senang,ak akan tanggung sebab ak yang pilih jalan ini.Tapi sukarnya nak memulakan langkah tanpa sokongan orng2 tersayang.Abah lebih santai dan relax.Dia lebih menyerahkan pada ak halatuju yang ak mahukan.Mama yang sering sangat mempersoalkan semuanya.

Memang aku risau.Memang ak takut.Tapi bak kata 'hukum Tarikan':Semakin kita memikirkan perkara-perkara yang positif dan benda-benda yang menbuatkan kita gembira.lagi mudah dan senang kita mendapatkan nya~Itu yang ak nak lakukan.

Untuk insan-insan yang ak sayang dan yang sayangkan ak,doaknlah ak dalam melakar langkah dibumi TUhan ini.Sesungguhnya walau apa jua rezeki yang ak cari,ak mengharap redha dan KeberkatanNya.Aminnn..

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

On Sale~

Ada sesiapa mahu tudung sulam tangan yg sungguh meriah dan chantek spt gmbr dibwh ini?Kain Bawal yang dihias chantek dgn sulaman benang tgn yang berwarna-warni dan manik~memang sgt chantik..

Juga ada dalam bentuk shawl~Utk Shawl bukan kain Bawal~

Tudung Bawal 45" - RM40
Selendang Sulam Tangan - RM35

Postage Fee: Pos Ekspress RM4
Pos Laju (By Request)

Interested?leave a comment by telling Me what type and ColoUr do you Want~ooPps,PastI tidak Rugi okies!~