Sunday, June 13, 2010

~Half Love SoNg~

Flowers wither in time
Rivers even run dry
Wounds in our hearts will soon be memories
Its time that I let you go

Who's gonna hold you tonight
What song can make your new love happy
What tomorrow brings is such a mystery untold
Who can ever tell how life can be

your happiness has gone beyond me,
Ive lost track of you
Our love is like a song that is half sung
Time changed our love to habit
Healed the wounds
And canceled all my rights to be with you

Loving you is half sweet, half bitter
A painful wonder
An act that is left half said and done
Regrets of unfinished business,
roads not taken by us
A story that can never be, even with time
(A song that will forever be, only half sung)

My happiness doesn't concern you, we've taken our own paths
Our love turned into song that is half sung
Time changed our love to habit
Created a new world
And canceled all my rights to think of you

Saturday, June 12, 2010

~Saya Suka..~

~si dia YG menariK pandangan Ku~

1) lelaki yg memakai baju melayu cekak musang lngkap bersampin~

2) Lelaki yg memakaI pakaian formAl lengKaP mcm Nk pi pejabat~

3) lelakI yg memakaI cardigan dengaN kemeja~

4) lelakI yg memakaI kasut TutuP x kira lh sneaker ker,Leather shoes ker~

5) LelakI yg botak~

6) lelakI yer ber'Goatee'~

7) lelaKi yg berkaca Mata~

8) lelaKi yg tgh Membaca buku/novel fiction@ nonfiction ~

9) lelaKi yg tgh BersukAn~

sesungguhnYa ini adalah definisiku UntuK aktiviti cucI mataku~hahahha...mungkin akn diupdatekan dr semasa ke semasa..hahha