Tuesday, June 23, 2009


hmm,wut's life without love aite?and what kind of human soul without heart,rite?hmm i've been through so very hurtful love pain..hahah so poyo plak biler put the feeling into words.i asked a few friends what hurt the most, is it 'rejection' or 'break-up'?

hmm, guys believe break up would hurt a lot more.And most of the gurl said rejection..well tu survey kasar jer lah..hahhah and me,i've been through both situations.and funny enough i had to agree with what the girl's say..rejection does hurt a lot more compare to a break up.

mungkin pada dasarnyer,'rejection' tu nmpak lebih ringan dari 'break up', tapi bg ak, it's definitely 10x disaster dr 'break up' ats sebab-sebab berikut:(kehkeh sengal ak nih)

1) Biler direject, selalu nyer ternyata sebelah pihak sahaja yg terasa sakit hatinya-->maka kesakitan itu dtnggung sendirian.kalu 'breakup' plak, ia akn melibatkan dua hati yg dh prnah bahagia. maka logiknya,dua-dua pihak pun akn sedikit sbnyk sure terusiklah emosi sedih tu.Jadik satu dan dua, sedih n sakit hati sensorng,ada betulnyer lagik sakit dari dari dua orng berkongsi yg kesedihan..

2) Biler di reject tu, mcm2 perkara yg melibtkn keyakinan diri mmg lah sngt teraffected sebb diri dh terpikir, the relationship has not even started dh kena reject.Well kalu break up tu, at least both of u dh ada gud experience with each other,so sedey2 pun still bley terkenang2 pasal bnda baik yg korng pernah lalui bersama.

hahha hmm dpndekkn cerita,suddenly tonite,the person who practical had leave 'unwanted' scar in my heart had somehow contacted me~well before this, i always thought that i'll never ever gonna 4get him.hmm maybe i will not be able to forget him for the rest of my life,but one thing i realized tonight is that, 'the feeling' i have towards him for all this time is fading away.definitely fading~Though, i'm may not completely heal by now, i'm pretty sure that i'm recovering~no matter how long it will take,i'll recover and he will be definitely out of my system~ahhah...

seyesly, it took me years to recover from the emotional feeling of rejection nih..huhuh and only god know how i've changed from that day.perhaps i should thanks him~hahah cmnerpun hidup perlu sentiasa diteruskan..yeah!

quote of the day:

Boleh jadi kalian membenci sesuatu,padahal ia amat baik bagi kalian. Dan boleh jadi kalian mencintai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagi kalian.Allah Maha mengetahui kalian tidak mengetahui." (QS. Al-Baqarah 216)

Sunday, June 21, 2009


I was tempted to write in this ‘little cave’ of mine yesterday after I finished my futsal.but then I was too tired and so lazy plak nk switch on komp. Somehow in the middle of the night nih, cm teruja plak ak nk menulis sepath dua kata dlm ‘secret diary’ nih. Tak daklah secret mana kot kan..since I somehow open this writing to the public to comment..huhu back to the real story..

Well, smlm,I had to play futsal..ditekan sekali lagik ek, had-to..huhuh mksudnyer tu kena main..sebab programme GREAT yg ak join nih dh masukkn game tu dlm snarai,so disebabkn kitorng pun x daklah ramai sgt,so ak antara yg terpilih kena main lah utk melengkapkan team..hahha kalu ikut kepala otak nih,mmeng ak nk sgt lah tolak jejauh masuk court main bola sepak..

Hahha sebelum nih atim ada gak ajak..tapi ak segan bayak2 sebab mana reti langsng sepak bola nih..tapi come to think about it, wth rite?try sudah..hahahh bak kata dila,cedok n pinjm jerlah skill dari hasil tontonan games2 bola yg ak pernh tgk b4 nih sudah..hahha so alkishnya,ak pn trun gak ler padang futsal tu cuba nasib..

Disebbkn kitorng main league, so team kitorang ada 2 games yg perlu kitorng main..hmm disbbkan summer dlm team tu first time main,kitorng mmg clueless n hopeless pasal rules and position lah..hahhah letih gak kot si Iwan a.k.a coach x rasmi kitorng terang rules n cara2 main..hahah utk first gama,cube try position mana ak main?hahhah..yer2 tahniah pada yg berjaya teka tu..mmg ak main goalie utk first game tu..x pernahlah aku nk main bola sepak, definitely x terlintas ak akn ada peluang jadik goalie..hahha mana ak reti weh jadik goalie..huhu so disebbkn ketidak retian ak tu maka team aku kalah 4-0 kalu x silap..hahha sorilah teammates ku yg lain..ak x reti..huhuh

*diriku sebagai goalie~hahaha*

Utk second game yg tntukn no 3 n 4, ak main pose defend plak..hahah yg nih best skit..ak kalu bab defend nih mmg agak semnagt..hahah mebe sdikit pesimis kot ak nih..huhu tapi yg x bley handle for surelah bab lari2..letih siot..hahha manalah ak tau..padanlah atim kata bley kurus..mmg kompem kurus..hahhah pnjaga gol utk secnd game nih mmg bestlah..x sngka member ak yg sorng nih, cik aminah nih, cekap giler tngkap bola..huhuh so kitorng pun akhirnya terikat 0-0 ngn diorng smpai hbis game..tapi at the end masa penalty kitorng kalah 1-0 lah ngn team lawan..hmm kinda sad lah..tapi well kitorng definitely dh cuba sedaya yag boleh..huhuhu overall performance kire hebat gak kitorng..maklumlah first time kot tu..hahha yg pnting enjoy!ahhahh best!!

Itulah sedikit sbnyk yg ak bley summarize psl mlm smlm..hahha mlm nih punyer cerita plak, batch kitorng nih pi karaoke~ahhahha nih program sndirik organized.hahha setiap orng pn sumbng rm15 sorng byr nk pi karaok..hmm pi ramai2 4 jam kat music box tu oklah tu..ak dpt nyanyi 4 lagu..hahha bukn ak u nyanyi sorng ek..byk lagik yg nyanyi bersama2..

Hmm tu pun satu lagi pengalmn baru utk ak..x pernah2 aku pi karaok ngn laki selain iki..tapi mlm tadi ak dh pecah adat lah..ditambah lagik dengn karaok tu adalh pada wktu malm..hahah mak aih,sungguhlah ak x sngka..kuikuikui pukul 11.30 tadi ak baru snmpai umah..memula tu rasa lapar,tapi skrng dh penat + malas x rasa cm nak makan plak.huhuh

Ak nk citer lgik..tapi ak dgh rasa ngntuk giler..esok ak smbung lagik ek..see ya next time reader~huhuhu take care~


mcm Dh Lama x update~ehhe sori darling mera blog..i Had been busy lately..hahha as if busy is the most right word to use..huhu btw i shud share my good news aite?i've quit part time job kat KUMON tu after 4x jer attend..nnti-nanti,jgn salah sngka.BUkan quit sebab ak x tahan ker atau anything bad.Just becoz i had received an offer utk contract job kat CYberjayA, sebb tu ak quit KUMON...

Well one cannot be too greedy aite?huhu sebenarnyer x sngka pun dpt Cyberview punyer joB tu..well it had been weeeeeeks since my interview tu..i already considered the job as my history pun..huhu well wut to say, seperti yg ak percay,rezeki tu tuhan yang tentukan.Kita kan hanya mampu usaha..

Maka dengan rasminyer, juMaat 12 juN ari tu,ak pun memulakn lngkah well to be exact men'drive' kn kanciL ku ker Cyberjaya utk sessi registration and all..frankly speaking, i donno and have no clues at all what's the hell i'm getting myself into.Offer yg ak dpt ari tu say about GREAT-Graduate Attachment and Training Programme..Mati-mati ak ingt apa yg ak n jadik is more or so like my internship session.Tapi biler ak dpt offer letter n it mention bout registration kat Kelab Komuniti Tasik Cyberjaya,ak dh pelik..X kanlah report kerja kat Kelab komuniti?

hmm Ruper2nyer lepas ak dh dftar n dibriefingkn oleh program CoordinatOr, MISs IntaN brlah ak tau yg progrm nih mmg lebih kurng cm internship session pun n ak akn stat keja pada 1 jUlY nnti kat RL Dynamic Engineering.Tapi on 15th smpai 30th JUne,i have to attend diorng punye interpersonal skill courses.For 2 weeks ak kena tadah tleinga n participate dlm soft skills training tu..hmm at that time,masa tau tu x tau nk seronok ke tak..huhu tapi tgk sekeliling yg ada dlm 15-16 orng lagi macm ak,hati ak pun stat percaya yg everything will turn out just so very fine only if i wan to..huhu so what the heck?just go for it lah kn..mklumlah ak pun dh pun terima offer job ni kn..

well now,it had been one week after i joined the programme,tetibe rasa tersngtlah beruntung ak but keputusan utk join program nih..it is somehow an eye opener + it just what i needed in this mean time.motivation and Support to find My way In this adulthooD..huhu wat ayt 'jargon'...ngeee oh yer lepas nih nk masukkn entry pasal futsal on last wednesday,be bck later..daa

btw,for those yg intersted nk tau more pasl programme yg ak join nih,bley rujuk this website:

Friday, June 5, 2009

BooK Sale~

i decided to sell some of my collection.. i'm running out of space to store all these novels~my..here goes the list~

Mary McBride - 'Ms. Simon Says'
Robyn Amos - 'Bring Me A Dream'
Carly Phillips -'The Heartbreaker'
Carly Phillips -'The Playboy'
Elaine Fox - 'Special of the Day'
Kate Perry - 'Project Daddy'
Amanda Quick - 'Rendezvous'
Kathleen Long -'Get Bunny Love'
Susan Donovan -'The Kept Woman'
Johanna Lindsey -'Love Me Forever'
Patti Berg - 'Looking for A Hero'
Sarah Webb - 'Always the Bridesmaid'
Jane Feather -'Love's Charade'
Elizabeth Young -'Asking for Trouble'
Sandra Brown -'White Hot'
Tamara Lejeune - 'Simply Scandalous'

It's only RM6 for each novel. I can say that every novel almost look as good as new~i use plastic wrap for all my novel to keep them well~posting cost would be paid by the person who is interested with the novel. perhaps C.O.D is better..huhu do comment me for any inquiries~tQ

p/s i also have to get raid some of my malay novel collection.anyone interested?

Thursday, June 4, 2009


LatelY, i've been following this korean series, 'That Fool @ The accidental CouplE' from KBS~huhu very entertaining~
sumhow i found this mv also from Korean~kinda fun mV to watch~

MUsic of The daY:


YoUng N briGht~

When i was in my primary year, i can conclude that my academic result had always been excellent. i never been lower than number 5 in class if i'm not mistaken..well as far as i can recall, every year i'll be on stage to pick up my prize.had i been proud?yep definitely. am i grateful?maybe?hahha i'm so young at that time.maybe i had brag a little..hahhah who knows?i don't remember much how i react regarding my academic result that time. But one thing for sure, i must said that primary had been quite easy for me..though i graduated without scoring 5As in my UPSR (just becoz i hv a bf that time!hahha) but still i can consider primary period had been one of my greatest time academically.

why suddenly talking bout primary life?hmm today i had started my prt time job at KUMON.For those who still not familiar with KUMON,hmm i should explain a bit rite?hehe KUMON nih mcm pusat tuisyen but it's actually not.There is definitely no teacher formally teach in front of the class. KUMON nih style tuitionnyer dgn bagi latihan byk2 kat student,suh diorng finishkn within certain time.student kena buat independently all those work with only minimal guide from assistant-->job ak lah nih..huhuh itu secara ringkasnyerlah kerja ak kat KUMON nih..

hmm stat keja at 3 pm smpai 10.30 pm..since it my part time, gaji pun ikut hours, seminggu wajib dtg ada 3 hari jer..2 hari jer yg 8 hours,yg lain tu maybe 5-6 hours jer..hmm overall kerj ammg x berat langsung..duduk n mark worksheet student..tapi biler time student soal tu,tersekat2 gak ak..hahha mklumlah otk dok baper tahun nih pakai application math n science jer..tetibe biler back tu teori math,sedikit berkarat gak rupenyer kepala ku ini..hahha anyhow, berjaya jugak ak lalui my first day with well-sukses gitu..huhuhu

hmm wat's going to happen tomorrw?i don't know but i'm definitely up for the challenge~yeay!huhu wish me luck,pray for our success..AMinn~