Friday, September 4, 2009

RamadhaN MuLia~

Diam tak diam,sedar x sedr dh pun masuk hari ke-15 ak puasa di bulan ramadhan yang mulia nih.
Kesibukan kerja buat ak tak perasan sudah separuh buln ramdhan berlalu.Ya salam,baper banyak amalan yg sempat ak buat nih?hmm x per2,kata ustaz kat tazkirah semla,yg paling penting 10 ramadhan yg akhir tu usha berganda-ganda byknyer nk kejar pahala ramadhan,bulan penuh barakat~huhhu insyallah!

hmm kerja lately, quite a hell jugak..hahah i always said that right?mebe sebab ak still dlm proses mnyesuaikan diri~hahahh can i actually give that 'alasan' kah?hahhah sure can rite?adapting to a new environment,absorbing every little detail and implant it in my mind would definitely make me better in the future but kind a having one of the worst time in life.Torn apart.not knowing when to say yes and when to say no..hhmm but cannot complaint much as i's still learning.ehheh

enough of work,well since works did somehow take some toll on me, so i'm trying my best to balance my social activities..ehheh the usual 'lepaking','bitching' and 'rayau'ing' have to be plan bebtul..eheh i do not want to sacrifice everything for work.i'm still young and unattached so it's kinda important for me to really enjoying the moments as much as i can..well of course with certain limits and boundary~ehehh

last thursday bday Hadi~'"Happy besday bIG boy!"ahahh teringt kata-kata farahin.

"Banyaknye lilin~"

ahhha ko mmg sudh semkin veteran dear friend!ahhah kitorng celebrate simple but with style..ahhah yerlah berbuka puasa kat foodcourt alamanda tu ingt murah ker?Isyh2 nasiblah gaji baru masuk..ehheeh and that day, i ate 'Whopper' from Burger King of course.ehheh tetibe rasa nak wat review pasal food lak..

well dah lama sgt terasa nak makan BK.Last time was in june kot mkn sbb kak ca belanja..pastu dh lama giler x mkn..sbb living in cheras and somehow,tempat ak slalu lepak pn sellau x dak BK,so alang2 tu ape lagik,khamis tu ari yg terbaik utk ak bedal 'whopper Set' from BK.

hmm pastu lately terbayang-bayang nk makn burger carl's jr~huhuh semalam masa pi mines,nak buka pose ngn memebr cyberview, mmg dh masuk pun carl's jr,tp blank plak tgk menu nye rtu..well known about the price that is pricier comapred to normal fast food restaurant.tapi ak dh lama gile hajat nak makan~dari ak nmpk resturant opening kat mid val dulu..hahha gilerlha dh sethun kot tu..

so,nk dijadikan cerita,walu ak dh berdiri kat kaunter carl's jr tu, ak pndng hadi,

A : nak tapau ek?
Hadi : boleh jer.Kalu ko nk mkn kat umah x kisahlah size per pun ko beli~
A : Hmmmmm..
Lepas buka pose lah beli,pastu terus balik
Hadi : Okies

haha,so kitorng pun kuar dr fastfood tu,pastu pi food court,tempat bebudak lain lepak utk berbuka.ak pusing2 foodcourt,tapi x tau naper x berkenan gak nk mkn nasi @ anything else on the menu.

Iwan: Punya banyak pilihan kedai nih,x dak satu pun yang ko nak ?isyh isyh~
A : Haah,macam laki gak kot.Banyak gile tapi satu pun ak tak nak.(ayat egO!) ahhaha
Ey,bukan x dak satu pun yg ak berkenan lagi.(ayat insaf!)ehhehe

so ak berbuka dgn minum bubble tea honeydew and buah mangga potong~siap member tanya
"Diet ke Kak?".ahhaha babe,ak ngn diet x pernah geng lah..ehheh cubaan diet jarnag sgt bertahan lebih dari 24 jam..ehehe

ak chow awl.Lepas minum dah say gud bye to diorng..ingt nk teru sbalik.tgk jam,ak lencong pi surau jap,maghrib.pastu ak singgah kiosk mcD,dpt mcflurry cornetto choc n terus kuar dari mines.which is actually equal to = NO CARL's Jr..huhuh apa hal lah ak nih..

and now,why the heck i'm surfing the net looking at the carl's jr menu?hahha sengal!!

p/s Have a great RamadhaN everyOne!

1 comment:

abdul hadi said...

haha! takpe shah! next week kita makan carls tu sesama. kali ni apa nak jadi pun jadi lah.. hahaha